Batman is the superhero vigilante who protects Gotham City from crime and injustice. Batman is the alter ego of Bruce Wayne, a philanthropist, billionaire industrialist, and notorious American playboy. His parents were Thomas and Martha Wayne.
The Justice Fighter and The Confronter
ENTJ — 358 – 378 – 368 – 137 – 458 – 258
ESTP — 378 – 368 – 278 – 379 – 369
ESTJ — 368 – 136 – 369
The Confronting Justice Fighter
ENTJ Tritype® 863
Why is Batman, first and foremost, a Justice Fighter, and is he a hero or an antihero?
Batman is the superhero vigilante who protects Gotham City from crime and injustice. Batman is the alter ego of Bruce Wayne, a philanthropist, billionaire industrialist, and notorious American playboy. His parents were Thomas and Martha Wayne.
A member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.
Oxford Dictionaries
‘A community of spam vigilantes constantly is improving free programs such as SpamAssassin.’
If we take a look at the 12 Characteristics of Heroism, as presented below, we can see that most people will attribute them to Batman.
Bravery, Conviction, Courage, Determination, Helpful, Honesty, Inspirational, Moral integrity, Protective, Self-sacrifice, Selflessness, Strength
Verywell Mind
Batman is indeed one of the most iconic superheroes ever made as witnessed by his comic books and movie successes.

However, Batman’s origin paints a shadier picture since he watched his parents being killed and he became a vigilante thereafter. He initially operates from revanche – a trait typically attributed to villains.
His parents died when he was so young. Shot. Killed right in front of him. He was raised alone. A kid in a huge mansion. With his memories of his mother and father. He had love, and they took it from him. He should be a killer. He should want to tear the world apart for what it did. And yet he took that pain. That shock of death. And he turned it into hope.
— Superman src
However, in the process of seeking vindication for his father and mother, he then becomes a hero and a symbol of justice. This happened by developing his inferior feeling function.

Batman is not an antihero but he does have a shadowy side since there is a stain of vengeance in his most primal motivations.
A central character in a story, movie, or drama who lacks conventional heroic attributes.
‘with the age of the antihero, baddies and goodies became less distinguishable from one another’
Oxford Dictionaries
This makes him first and foremost a Justice Fighter.
Tritype® 368, 386, 638, 683, 836, 863-The Justice Fighter
If you are a 368, you are ambitious, inquisitive, and protective. You want to be accomplished, loyal, and straightforward. Verbally adept and a good reader of people and situations, you have the ability to identify unjust authority, rebel against tyranny, and verbally spar against it. You want to get along with others but can struggle with being too direct and outspoken. You will identify with being an 8 because the descriptions of 8 fit this Tritype® the most.
Katherine Chernick Fauvre
6+8: The Confronter
Karkino from Personality Cafe
Double reactive.
Pairing that wants to make people state their intentions openly the most.
Most confrontational and argumentative pairing (most aggressive tritype is 368).
Are usually good readers of situations and people but can be prone to projecting their fears and coming off too strongly.
May see problems where they aren’t, a bit paranoiac.
Wants to get to the bottom of sketchy businesses.
Very loyal and protective to those under their wings.
How does bruce wayne contrast with the CITIZENS of gotham and what are THE shadowy traits of batman?
Bruce owns and runs Wayne Enterprises and the Wayne Foundation which he inherited from his family. Through these two organizations, he performs numerous charitable acts for the people of Gotham City. Those organizations are also present in other parts of the country and abroad.

Jungian extraverted thinking—ETs and TJs
Since feeling is the first to oppose and contradict the logical formula [ET], it is affected first by this conscious inhibition, and therefore it is intensely repressed. For example, conscious altruism, may be crossed by a secret self-seeking, and which gives the impression of intrinsically unselfish actions with the stamp of selfishness.
Adapted from Simpler Translation of Psychological Type by Carl Jung
The Thomas Wayne Foundation funds health facilities, such as the Thomas Wayne Memorial Clinic, mainly around Gotham City. Notably, it provides a safe place for medical treatment to those who are marginalized or ignored by society. It also operates like the noble prize foundation rewarding those who have dedicated their lives to the medical field.
Enneagram Type Eight
VirtueEights’ greatest strength is their sense of justice and desire to protect the weak, vulnerable, down-trodden and under-represented. Big hearted and generous by nature, they willingly protect others even at their own expense. A person of their word, they stand up for what they believe in and deliver what they have promised. [..]Katherine Chernick Fauvre
The Martha Wayne Foundation is dedicated to improving the life of families and the education of Gotham citizens. It also supports the work of artists to enrich the art and entrainment of the city.
Jungian extraverted thinking—ETs and TJs
Because this formula seems to correspond with the meaning of the world, it becomes a world-law which must be achieved or applied at all times and places, both individually and collectively.
Simpler Translation of Psychological Type by Carl Jung
He fights dressed as a bat (with a cap all in black with pointed hears), and is often engaged in or showing deep thoughts that tend to make him look unhappy, angry, or concerned about the situation at hand.

In contrast to his first opponent and arch-enemy, The Joker who debuted in Batman #1 (April 1940) is a “smiling” and remorseless serial killer. Batman Returns (1992 film) makes a great illustration of their differences in temperament.

Introverted Intuition:
Looks at consistency of ideas and thoughts with an internal framework. Trusts flashes from the unconscious, which may be hard for others to understand.
The Myers & Briggs Foundation
Unlike other super-heroes, Batman has no superhuman abilities. However, he is one of the world’s richest men and one of the world’s smartest men. He is also highly skilled in martial art and one of the greatest fighters.
Enneagram Type Eight
[..] They have the ability to quickly assess a situation, cut to the chase and ‘call a spade a spade’, simplifying what initially appears to be complex and confusing. This ability to instinctively see the truth in any given situation and act decisively makes them natural born leaders.Katherine Chernick Fauvre
With his physical prowess, technical ingenuity, tactical thinking and leadership skills he strikes fear into the heart of evil.
Inferior Introverted Feeling
As an inferior function, Fi manifests as a general disdain for emotional expression and a fear of being perceived as ‘weak’ by others. As Fi matures, its user will begin to identify the role their own personal morals play in their lives, and allow those morals to take on a greater role in their decision-making process.
The inferior-Fi monologue (prior to maturation): “Feelings are for the weak. I have no time to attend to such trivial matters in either myself or others.
https://j.mp/3gu0Ph8 Thought Catalog, Heidi Priebe
As the founder of Justice League, he then became one of the most formidable opponents of the world.

How is “the batman” movie different from other Batmans
The Batman (2022) uncovers different dimensions of his character by presenting a “Gotham that feels real, dark and violent, with corrupt and maniacal figures looming everywhere” – The Chronicle. This aura of a suppressive Gotham matches Batman as a brooding superhero while at the same time it contrasts with Bruce Wayne who is a billionaire philanthropist. It also presents Batman as a great detective – a great analytical, objective problem solver.
Words that best describe people with ENTJ preferences
planned, analytical, energetic, logical, structured, consistent, expressive, outside the box, competent, objective, critical, enthusiastic, direct, decisive, driven, goal oriented, ambitious, leader, big picture, measured, confident, outspoken, fair, problem solvers
MBTI Online

What are the facets of Batman as ENTJ 863-The Justice Fighter?
Although Batman is essentially an Height we could also argue he is a Height as the leader of Justice League (The Leader), a Six as a protector of Gotham City (The Loyal Guardian), and a Three as a highly successful businessman (The Achiever).
Jungian extraverted thinking—ETs and TJs
Extraverted Thinking [ET and TJ]’s constant aim — as it is a pure type — is to fulfill its total life-activities in relation with intellectual conclusions, which are always oriented by objective data, whether it be objective facts or generally valid ideas. [..]
It gives deciding weight to an objectively oriented intellectual formula or method for itself and its environment.
Simpler Translation of Psychological Type by Carl Jung
Unlike daredevil who is Type 6 (The Loyal Guardian) and primarily fights enemies who are marked by oppression of the truth, Batman is more primarily motivated by bringing justice and defending the weak and vulnerable – Type 8, The Protective Challenger.
As illustrated in the opening scene of Batman Return, his arch-enemy, The Joker, is marked by total injustice – he is an indiscriminative criminal and a serial killer.
While Daredevil could be seen as more of a hero at heart (Type 6), Batman has a more pronounced shadowy side since he looks even more like a villain as he blends in the darkness of the city.
Enneagram Type Six versus Enneagram Type Eight
Sixes‘ greatest strengths lie in their ability to test for the truth and in recognizing and challenging a bad authority. Loyal and dedicated, they understand the value of making sacrifices for the group and are willing to enforce society’s rules to ensure safety and security for all. [..]
Eights’ greatest strength is their sense of justice and desire to protect the weak, vulnerable, down-trodden and under-represented. Big hearted and generous by nature, they willingly protect others even at their own expense. [..]Katherine Chernick Fauvre
He is also not far from a 358 ENTJ Solution Master with solutions out of the box, for instance with his Batmobile and various other gadgets.
He is Enneagram Type 8 over Type 1 and ENTJ Archetypes – The Chief and the Strategist Mobilizer and the Decisive Strategist (official MBTI name.)
Type 8 – confrontational, tough, unyielding
Type 1 – orderly, fastidious, stiff