Metaformology®: Trisphere® and Unitriadic® Integration


Science is the process of starting low on the pyramid much like the Persian king and rising up in an effort to discover more basic facts which explain later facts. Philosophy could be said to be the operation of taking very basic facts and then leading them into explanations of greater and greater numbers of facts.

Excerpt from “Self Analysis” by L. Ron Hubbard

This concept underscores the importance of integrating diverse aspects to form a more comprehensive understanding. In our case, we proceed from basic facts (characteristics of single Enneagram types) to leading them into explanations of greater and greater numbers of facts (characteristics of single and double Enneagram triads)

Metaformology®: An Overview of TriSphere® and Unitriadic® Integration

Metaformology® introduces a conceptual framework for classifying entities by utilizing the Enneagram of Personality to outline categories and pinpoint common archetypes. Let’s employ two innovative methods: Unitriadic® Integration and Trisphere® Integration, which harness the diverse array of variational characteristics outlined by the Enneagram.

This framework establishes connections from a single Enneagram type in one center of intelligence to all types within either one center (Unitriadic®) or both of the other centers (Trisphere®), thereby enhancing our understanding of the overall variation in motivational and fixation dynamics.

While the Enneagram primarily focuses on individual core fears, motivations, fixed beliefs (fixations), passions, and convictions, an expanded approach allows to delve deeper into the complex interactions and patterns within the Enneagram system. Here our deeper exploration augments the analysis of personality archetypes and their interconnectivity, as well as the categorization of concepts and entities.

We can demonstrate that individuals, characterized by a single type, are driven by specific fears and motivations. Similarly, common archetypes serve distinct purposes, and ideas or objects fulfill unique functions.

Exploring TriSphere® and Unitriadic® Integration

Trisphere® Integration

Trisphere® Integration provides a holistic model that combines a selected type, serving as the unique denominator, with all types from the remaining two centers. This approach enhances our understanding of the broad variations in motivational and fixation dynamics.

An organization with only one type of item (e.g., red beads) is less complex than one with several types of items.

Excerpt from Management Series by L. Ron Hubbard; Founder of Dianetics and Scientology

This analogy underscores how the complexity and, consequently, the capability of an organization increase with the diversity of its components or members. It draws a parallel to the concept that isolating a single Enneagram point can help reduce complexity by focusing on one set of dynamics at a time.

Just as there are traditionally nine Muses in classical mythology, with Cenenta proposed as the tenth muse symbolizing Articulation, each of the nine integrations within the Enneagram represents a multidisciplinary field. These fields blend human interactions, societal contributions, and creative endeavors.

The concept of ‘Trisphere® Integration’ or ‘Tri-Sphere Integration’ introduces an innovative—though not entirely new—approach within the Enneagram framework. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding not only of personality dynamics but also offers a broad categorization of known human activities.

Diverging from more traditional models that may focus solely on a single type or the relationships between adjacent types (wings), Trisphere® Integration delves into the interactions and combinations of distinct types from all three of the Enneagram’s centers of intelligence—the Head, Heart, and Gut centers.

Illustration of the only possible Trisphere® Integration of Enneagram Type 2

This approach aims to bridge concepts and understanding from the Enneagram to more broadly understood categories such as Education, Marketing, Creative Arts, Development, Finance, etc.. .

TriSphere® Integration synthesizes elements from across the entire Enneagram. It specifically involves selecting a single type from one of the Enneagram’s three centers of intelligence—Head (types 5, 6, 7), Heart (types 2, 3, 4), or Gut (types 8, 9, 1)—and then integrating this type with all three types from each of the other two centers.

Unitriadic® Integration

A Unitriadic® Integration establishes connections from a single Enneagram type to one of the other centers. This method within the Enneagram framework is focused on deepening the understanding of variations for a single type by integrating it with the qualities of one triad from another center of intelligence, referred to as Instinctual Centers by Oscar Ichazo.

Illustration of one possible Unitriadic® Integration of Enneagram Type 2

Unlike Trisphere® Integration, which links a type with all three types from the remaining two centers, Unitriadic® Integration focuses on enhancing the primary type’s characteristics by incorporating variations in strengths and insights from three specific types within a single other center: Head, Heart, or Gut.

An organization with only one type of item (e.g., red beads) is less complex than one with several types of items.

Excerpt from Management Series by L. Ron Hubbard; Founder of Dianetics and Scientology

This analogy underscores how the complexity and, consequently, the capability of an organization increase with the diversity of its components or members. It draws a parallel to the concept that isolating a single Enneagram point can help reduce complexity by focusing on one set of dynamics at a time.

This method is particularly useful for exploring common archetypes and promotes a detailed examination and definition of how a single type interacts to form an archetype. Archetypes such as the sage, the magician, the ruler, and the warrior serve as templates within our collective psyche. We can identify these archetypes in others and, to some extent, aspire to embody these archetypes in our own lives.

Q1: The common denominator of all life impulses is self-determinism.
Q2: Self-determinism may be defined as the location of matter and energy in space and time, as well as a creation of time and space in which to locate matter and energy. […]

Scientology and Dianetics Axioms – Prelogics Q1-Q5. by L. Ron Hubbard

By exploring connections between different Enneagram types and centers of intelligence, individuals can aspire to embody the essence of various archetypes, thereby enriching their understanding of themselves and enhancing their ability to navigate the world with wisdom and authenticity.
This perspective aligns with the broader themes of self-determinism as defined by L. Ron Hubbard, suggesting that personal evolution is both a journey of self-discovery and a creative act of self-definition

Together, these integrations underpin Metaformology®, a system for categorising archetypes and subject areas. Metaformology® transcends simpler one-to-one associations by promoting a broad, one-to-many connection through Unitriadic® and Trisphere® Integration, broadening the exploration of intellectual and personal dynamics for a richer understanding of human endeavours.

The highest form of security is confidence in one’s self, in the future, in the group, and in mankind. Without such confidence and without the will to make the various dynamics survive, an individual has no security… Security would lie only in a man’s confidence in reaching his goals and indeed in his having goals to reach.

Extract from Science of Survival by L. Ron Hubbard; Founder of Dianetics and Scientology

This emphasizes the importance of self-confidence, having clear goals, and the pursuit of those goals as foundational to an individual’s ability to navigate and shape their future effectively.

The Significance of Unitriadic® and TriSphere® Integration

Happiness is important. The ability to arrange life and the environment so that living can be better enjoyed; the ability to tolerate the foibles of one’s fellow humans; the ability to see the true factors in a situation and resolve problems of living with accuracy; the ability to accept and execute responsibility — these things are important.

Excerpt from Science of Survival by L. Ron Hubbard; Founder of Dianetics and Scientology

This quote emphasizes how gaining clarity and understanding, both about oneself and others, enables individuals to navigate life more effectively, leading to greater happiness and fulfillment.

A Comparason Between TriType®, TriFix®, TriSphere® and Unitriadic®

  • Tritype®: Recognized widely within Enneagram studies, this concept posits that individuals exhibit dominant characteristics from one type in each of the Enneagram’s three intelligence centers (Head, Heart, and Body). This model helps to elucidate the complexity of personalities by suggesting that, aside from a primary type, significant traits from one type in the other two centers are also present.
  • Trifix®: Sometimes mentioned alongside Tri-Type, Tri-Fix is a less commonly used term within Enneagram discussions. It aims to describe an individual’s combination of types across the three centers, similar to Tri-Type, but its recognition and definition may vary across different Enneagram teachings.
  • Trisphere®: Trisphere integrate a sophisticated model that synthesizes elements from across the entire Enneagram. It specifically involves selecting a single type from one of the Enneagram’s three centers of intelligence—Head (types 5, 6, 7), Heart (types 2, 3, 4), or Gut (types 8, 9, 1)—and then integrating this type with all three types from each of the other two centers.
  • Unitriadic®: Unitriadic® integration enriches a single Enneagram type by connecting it with three specific types from one of the other centers—Head, Heart, or Gut. This method emphasizes enhancing a type’s traits by incorporating varied strengths and insights from a chosen center. It aids in exploring and defining common archetypes, such as the sage, magician, ruler, and warrior, etc.., allowing for a deeper understanding of these archetypal roles within our collective psyche and how individuals can relate to or embody them.

Trifix® as in Enneagram Tri-Fix is a trademark. The term Trifix® was popularized and trademarked by Katherine Fauvre, who developed the concept based on her research and teachings related to the Enneagram of Personality. Katherine Fauvre’s work on Trifix® focuses on the mental fixations and fixed beliefs of the three types within a Trifix®, which consists of the dominant fixation in each triad. The distinction between Trifix® and Tritype® lies in the focus of one on three fixations (Trifix®) and the other on three full types in a hierarchical stacking order (Tritype®)

Examples of TriSphere® Integration

  • 2 (Heart) + Head Types (5, 6, 7) + Gut Types (8, 9, 1): This combination explores how the nurturing and empathetic qualities of Type 2 blend with the intellectual depth and analysis of Head types and the instinctual, gut-driven responses of Gut types, offering insights into a complex personality that balances emotion, thought, and instinct.
  • 5 (Head) + Gut Types (8, 9, 1) + Heart Types (2, 3, 4): Here, the introspective and cerebral nature of Type 5 is enriched by the assertive and body-centered energies of the Gut types, alongside the emotional and identity-focused perspectives of the Heart types, painting a picture of a person who navigates the world with a blend of analysis, instinct, and emotion.
  • 9 (Gut) + Heart Types (2, 3, 4) + Head Types (5, 6, 7): This configuration highlights how the peacemaking and accommodating tendencies of Type 9 can interplay with the emotional richness of Heart types and the curiosity and skepticism of Head types, illustrating a holistic approach to life that encompasses peace, emotion, and thought.


Our journey through Metaformology® has shed light on the Enneagram of Personality, exploring the depth of human character through Unitriadic® and Trisphere® Integration. These methods extend our grasp of individual motivations and behaviors by connecting Enneagram types across different centers—Head, Heart, and Gut—offering a layered perspective on personality dynamics.

Unitriadic® Integration enriches our understanding of a single type through the lens of three specific types from another center, facilitating an exploration of common archetypes. Trisphere® Integration broadens this approach by linking a type with all types from the two remaining centers, enhancing our comprehension of motivational dynamics and bridging the Enneagram to broader human activities.

These integrations highlight the Enneagram’s capacity to offer a comprehensive view of personality, encouraging us to delve into the complexities of human behavior and archetypes. By embracing these models, we embark on a path of self-discovery and personal growth, deepening our connection to the collective psyche and fostering a more nuanced appreciation of ourselves and others.


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